[nycphp-talk] Working with designers

tedd tedd at
Thu Aug 27 20:37:28 EDT 2009

At 7:21 PM -0400 8/27/09, lists at wrote:
>Don't get me wrong--Dreamweaver is a great tool that I use it every day
>for both HTML & PHP, but I know how to hand code and I never, ever work
>in design mode. I like it for its organization, synchronization, and
>code completion abilities (I'm an awful typist).

I use GoLive for exactly the same thing. However, Adobe dropped 
GoLive so I bought DW. Unfortunately, DW doesn't cut it for me -- 
it's like GoLive, but less.

So, I am moving to Eclipse. It has a steep learning curve and does 
things a bit different, but is well worth the effort. Plus, I can use 
if for other development (i.e., JAVA). In addition, it's free and 
doesn't depend upon a cost/benefit analysis of some corporate 
management types to remain in existence. No longer will I find myself 
painted into a dead-end as I have been in at least a dozen different 
languages and IDE's because the brain-dead majority of users didn't 
buy it.

Besides, the web has become sophisticated enough to support some very 
professional tools and we need to keep up if we are to remain 
competitive. As Will Rogers once said "You may be on the right track, 
but if you don't move along you'll get run over."




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