[nycphp-talk] Working with designers

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Sun Aug 30 00:59:29 EDT 2009

On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, tedd wrote:

> I know what you mean. For me, clients basically fall into two groups: 
> a) Those who tell me what they want; b) And those who tell me how to 
> do what they want. I work well with (a), but have problems with (b).

Should there also be (c) people who dont really know what they want ?

> Many think, as I've been told "It's easy -- my 
> son learned HTML in high school"

Probably why a lot of people dont take programming seriously as a 

> while they are totally clueless. The 
> most problematic students/clients are the ones who have some 
> experience with HTML and think that's all there is.

As I like to say "They dont know how much they dont know" :-)

> Furthermore, the number of actual web developers out there who do 
> know how to program in all the web languages (i.e., namely html, css, 
> javascript, php, mysql, et al) to create a truly functional web site, 
> are very few.

I find that hard to believe. Web developers *should* know all of those as 
a *minimum*.

> And lastly, none of this is static. I spend time every day learning 
> something new -- the web is constantly changing and keeping up with 
> it is a daily challenge. I was quoted a long time ago as saying:
> "I've learned something new every day of my life -- and I'm getting 
> damned tried of it."

That's true of anyone involved in technology (well, at least those of us 
that manage our skill set and careers).


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