[nycphp-talk] Implementing Version Control

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Mon Mar 30 11:07:01 EDT 2009

On Mon, 30 Mar 2009, Tom Melendez wrote:

> I can strongly recommend UnFuddle:
> Both Git and SVN hosting (and the ability to switch between both).
> Bug tracking and wikis as well.
> One particular feature that I like is the ability to "commit against
> bugs".  So, someone files a bug with the details.  You commit the code
> and reference the bug number in the commit message.  A link to the
> diff along with your commit message shows up the comments of the bug
> (you can also close bugs this way).  This feature (which is really
> just an SVN hook) is absolutely priceless long-term.
> I personally think that GitHub and Unfuddle should merge.  Github is
> awesome for the "social and personal" aspects of sharing code, but
> Unfuddle really has the business side down.  Super cheap too, IMO.

Thanks for posting this, looks great!


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