[nycphp-talk] Implementing Version Control

y2rob at y2rob at
Mon Mar 30 11:56:26 EDT 2009

 i think that git/github is the best version control since sliced bread, not that the 2 are related :)? git is awesome though.? for group collaboration you can't do much better when it comes to merging, conflicts and omg branching!!

in terms of their gui, it's not quite as robust, but it gets the job done and let's face it, if you're using svn or cvs, you have to know some command line because most likely you need to update staging servers with your code edits in order to test against other developer's code, whom are collaborating to the same project.? if you're a windows user who is also a developer, you should be developing on a mac - the best of both worlds and the future of development.




-----Original Message-----
From: Ajai Khattri <ajai at>
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Sent: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 11:07 am
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Implementing Version Control

On Mon, 30 Mar 2009, Tom Melendez wrote:

> I can strongly recommend UnFuddle:
> Both Git and SVN hosting (and the ability to switch between both).
> Bug tracking and wikis as well.
> One particular feature that I like is the ability to "commit against
> bugs".  So, someone files a bug with the details.  You commit the code
> and reference the bug number in the commit message.  A link to the
> diff along with your commit message shows up the comments of the bug
> (you can also close bugs this way).  This feature (which is really
> just an SVN hook) is absolutely priceless long-term.
> I personally think that GitHub and Unfuddle should merge.  Github is
> awesome for the "social and personal" aspects of sharing code, but
> Unfuddle really has the business side down.  Super cheap too, IMO.

Thanks for posting this, looks great!


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