[nycphp-talk] Dev on Windows7

Gary Mort garyamort at
Sat Apr 17 15:33:31 EDT 2010


So, after years of fighting to learn Mac...hating the one button mouse, etc
etc I finally had gotten an environment I was comfortable in.

Mercurial for Version Control.
Apache + PHP 5.3 + Passenger/Ruby on Rails
Text Wrangler
Komodo Edit
Virtual hosts setup for easy server creation
Local BIND server to resolve special set of local domain names to localhost
to make for easy virtual host setup

And then of course....just as I completed this, I moved and after mostly
finishing on April 3rd.......had a fire on April 4th and the house is
gone...along with my Mac.

For the price of 1 MacBook, I was able to replace not only my system but my
wifes and get everything functional.  So now I'm on windows and trying to
figure out how to replicate the above setup in a windows world......

At this point I'm strongly considering picking up a copy of Snow Leopard and
seeing if I can convert this thing into a Hackintosh to get my beloved MacOS
back......  Guess it's true, don't know a good thing till it's gone. :-)
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