[nycphp-talk] Dev on Windows7

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Sat Apr 17 15:40:00 EDT 2010

At 03:33 PM 4/17/2010, Gary Mort wrote (in part):
>So, after years of fighting to learn Mac...hating the one button 
>mouse, etc etc I finally had gotten an environment I was comfortable in.
>Mercurial for Version Control.
>Apache + PHP 5.3 + Passenger/Ruby on Rails
>Text Wrangler
>Komodo Edit
>Virtual hosts setup for easy server creation
>Local BIND server to resolve special set of local domain names to 
>localhost to make for easy virtual host setup
>And then of course....just as I completed this, I moved and after 
>mostly finishing on April 3rd.......had a fire on April 4th and the 
>house is gone...along with my Mac.
>For the price of 1 MacBook, I was able to replace not only my system 
>but my wifes and get everything functional.  So now I'm on windows 
>and trying to figure out how to replicate the above setup in a 
>windows world......

Sorry to hear of your loss...

If you stay on Windows 7, I would suggest downloading and installing 

You could also try using cygwin.


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