[nycphp-talk] html to PDF conversion?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Fri Mar 5 03:07:26 EST 2010

The solution doesn't have to be written in PHP, but it's fine if it is  
as long as it works.

I'm looking for a command-line way to convert HTML to a PDF on CentOS  
5.4, because I need to do this in a shell script to create the webpage  
as a .PDF file.

I've looked at xhtml2pdf written in Python, but CentOS 5.4 is still  
running Python 2.4 and the best I can tell it needs Python 2.5 or  
later cause I couldn't get it to work.

I also tried PDF-FromHTML-0.31 which is written in PERL, but requires  
HTML::TIDY which seems to be unavailable currently.

Thanks in advance for any advice. If this is now considered trivial to  
do in PHP and I've just not stumbled across it yet, please enlighten me.

David Roth

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